Know The Basics Of Flooring Project - Read More

 If you're thinking of installing hardwood floors, laminate, tile, or any other type of Flooring Adelaide in your home, it's important to first prepare the subfloor. 

This will ensure that the new surface is installed properly and that there aren't any problems with moisture or pests. The following guide will help you prepare your home's subfloor so that you can install new tile, wood, or laminate flooring without issues!


If your home has a solid concrete foundation, then you don't need to worry about subfloors—but if you're building on a slab or in an older home with an existing floor, it's important to understand how the subfloor works and how it relates to the rest of your house.

The subfloor is the layer that supports the flooring. It's usually made of plywood or OSB (oriented strand board), but it can also be particleboard, hardwood planks, or even asphalt shingles.

The material used is dependent on what type of flooring you're going to install over it: for example, installing hardwood over particleboard might not be possible because they expand at different rates when exposed to moisture.

Floor Polishing Adelaide


In order to install the flooring, you’ll need to prepare the subfloor. This includes installing insulation and moisture barriers if necessary.

Insulation is required if the space is below grade (below ground level), or in a cold climate where there is potential for negative air pressure during heating cycles. 

In warm climates without extreme cold weather, or in areas where there are no risks of negative air pressure during heating cycles, insulation may not be necessary to meet building code requirements.

If you have a concrete slab (and not plywood), insulating between joists can be tricky because of their size and location—it’s best just to leave them alone and keep them exposed when installing planks on top of them later on!

Moisture Barrier

It is very important to protect your wood floor against moisture. This is because if you don't use a moisture barrier, the moisture will seep through the subflooring and may cause damage or rot on your floor. 

The best way to protect your floors from water damage is by using building paper or roofing underlayment as extra protection for your home.

If you choose not to use a moisture barrier, make sure that you have an experienced contractor who can work with minimal disruption during the installation of new flooring materials and also be able to replace any damaged areas after the installation has been completed.


Knowing what you're getting into when you go into a flooring project is important. That way, you'll be able to make sure that your home is ready for new floors and avoid any surprises during the installation. If you want help preparing your home for flooring installation, contact Floor Polishing Adelaide experts today!

Source: Know The Basics Of Flooring Project - Read More


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